How to Prepare for English Language for Banking Exams

How to Prepare for English Language for Banking Exams

● Topics to focus on

1. Reading Comprehension (Short/Long passage including questions related to tone/theme/inference etc.)

2. Cloze Test

3. Sentence Correction and sentence Improvement

4. Spot the error

5. Fill in the blanks (single filler & double filler)

6. Para jumbles (Arrangement & odd one out)

7. Vocabulary (synonyms & antonyms)

8. Para completion

9. Match the followings (Grammar based, Emotions based)

Tips for English Language

o Start reading newspaper on daily basis. Benefits of reading Newspaper are multi fold, it will increase your reading speed, will build up your comprehension ability, and will enhance your vocabulary. It will also help you in preparing current affairs, understanding Critical reasoning questions, and writing better essay and letter in descriptive test.

o Reading from online sources will be more beneficial compared to reading paperback editions of newspaper/magazines/books etc. You can use The Hindu, New-York Times, time magazine and articles written by various economists. You can also read speeches and publications available on Reserve bank of India website.

o People can suggest you to read ‘wren & Martin for English Grammar’ and ‘Word Power Made Easy’. These books will surely help you in improving your English language, but if you haven’t read these books previously, I will not advise you to go for them as these books are quite bulky and will take long duration to go through them.

o For Grammar, Refer to Plinth of paramount by Neetu Singh or General English by SP Bakshi. Don't try to cram all the rules, just go through them and practice quizzes based on the rules. In examination hall, trust your instincts.

o Noun, subject- agreement, articles & preposition, these are some important chapters.

o Learn Vocabulary and idioms & phrases.

o For Vocabulary, you can also watch YouTube videos of Study IQ Education Channel.

o Start practicing different/new types of questions from a test series and from online quizzes.

Practice daily quizzes of English from various websites/apps.

Write Sectional Mock Test to know your weak areas and work on them to increase your attempts and your marks.

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